Saturday, June 5, 2010

Perfect potato salad

I have been searching for the perfect potato salad recipe for years. My husband doesn't eat potato salad so I make it for myself as a special treat when I make something that he likes that I do not. That means I get to make it exactly to my taste. Now that is my kind of recipe!

So after looking at dozens of recipes and trying out several here is what I came up with this afternoon. This is mostly a traditional southern recipe. It is practically perfect but I'll probably keep experimenting because that is just the way I am!


3 pounds red skinned potatoes- skin left on
4 eggs
1 tablespoon vinegar
1/2 whole bread and butter pickle
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup yellow mustard
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/4 small onion very finely minced (or you can do like Rachel Ray and grate it)

1. Place whole potatoes and cold water in a large pot and place on stove over high heat. Bring to a boil and reduce to medium-high. Cook until tender. Drain. Allow to cool enough so that you can handle them. Cut potatoes into eighths.

2. Place eggs in same pot after you have run cold water over the pot to cool it. Fill pot with cold water at least one inch above the eggs. Add tablespoon of vinegar. Place on stove over high heat. Bring to rapid boil and remove from heat. Let sit for 15 minutes. Run under cold water until they are cool enough to handle. Remove peel. Dice the eggs into small even pieces.

3. Cut pickle into small half moons.

4. Combine mayo, mustard, salt and pepper.

5. Combine potatoes, eggs, pickles, mayo mixture and onion in a large bowl. Refrigerate for several hours and serve cold.


Unknown said...

That sounds really good and its funny I was just talking to someone the other day about potato salad - there are some funky recipes...

Its like that only thing that makes it potato salad is that there are some potatos thrown in somewhere but its not 'really' potato salad like I think of it!


KimiiG said...

Oooops! I know you said not to look but I couldn't help it. Just because you haven't updated recently doesn't mean you don't have some great stuff here!

I'm definitely trying this one out because I LOVE salads...potato, pasta, chicken, tuna, et al.

It's also cool that you prepare things that your husband will have no part of; I would do the same except that our limited grocery budget keeps me from making dishes exclusively for me. We've made some compromises (I'm experimenting with mushrooms and he has learned to appreciate garlic)but there are things that I still miss (CREAM CHEESE).

I'll mention again here that since we both like to cook and live so close together we should definitely have some dinner get togethers! From what I remember of Michael I believe he and Chris would be fast friends. =0)